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52 items found for ""

  • Why do I Write?

    Why do I write? I thought I knew the answer to this question. I write as a coping mechanism, turning any negative emotion I had into words, and letting the ink bleed in my stead. But I never actually knew exactly why. I thought it was simply escapism. Finding solace in a world that I could create and then control. But I don't think that is exactly right. When life hits me, really hits me, it is often hard for me to dig myself out of my emotional "hole" so to speak. I know logically that things are going to be alright and that there are brighter days ahead but my feelings seem not to listen. They act independently of my thoughts, trying to assure me that this really IS the end of the world. And so I write. Not to escape but tell myself the truths that I know to be true, over and over again through characters and their story's. Truths like goodness always pays, beauty is only skin deep, and pessimism really is the thief of happiness. All these truths and more I tell myself repeatedly, assuring myself that these things are true and always will be. I wrote what I needed to hear, at that moment in time when I thought I was lost. I think that's why I want to be a writer. Because maybe somewhere, someone else needs to hear these truths too.

  • Tips on Romanticizing your own life

    So we are coming to a time on the internet where aesthetics are becoming a really big thing. Things like Dark Academia and Cottagecore are becoming more mainstream. These aesthetics often paint this picture of a beautiful romantic life filled with books and good food and cute outfits. It feels a little unattainable sometimes, especially when your life feels anything but cute (and that's okay, it won't always). So here are a few personal tips of mine that make your life feel that much more magical. Spray perfume in books So this is really cool because the scent stays with the book and you begin to associate that scent with that story and it's just so surreal and brings even more life and personality to the story you're reading. Actually take baths with monstrous amounts of bubbles. So showers are great when you wanna save time, but I've found that if I really wanna feel like a pampered princess, I can tie my hair up in a silk ribbon and draw some hot water and take a nice bubbly bath. I also recommend bathrobes, especially silk ones because they just feel fancy and good on your skin. Write letters- like for real letters. Nothing is nicer than filling an envelope with your personality and sending it off for someone you love to enjoy. It feels so sophisticated plus I guarantee the person receiving it will love it. Maybe try and keep a diary? No judging if you don't keep up with it. Or even if entries are months apart. Just give it a shot. Actually bake stuff. When you're feeling up to it, try baking. It fills the house with nice smells and feels magical. Try a different genre of music than normal. Sometimes if your life feels particularly monotonous, it can be because you're not doing anything different every day. Some patterns are good and healthy but you will probably feel very stagnate in general if you stick with the same old things simply because they're safe and what you're used to. This can go for music as well as food and style choices. Experimentation is good sometimes. Be committed to enjoying the little things. Romanticizing your own life isn't even necessarily about doing more "romantic" and "adventurous" things though those are nice. It's more about finding the beauty in what's already there. So try and see things in a new light. For me, it means I pay attention to all the quiet moments in life and notice everything around me. Because beauty really is there. It's almost like a sensory reset. Feeling the warmth of sunlight as if you've never felt it before. Noticing the subtle instruments in a song. Noticing the colors that are around us all the time and how beautiful it is that you can perceive them. Life really is romantic if we take time to notice it.

  • Heroine Generator

    Just a cute little generator I made to maybe get your creative juices flowing when creating a female fantasy style character. Enjoy!

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