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52 items found for ""

  • Monet Quote Generator

    My second favorite painter, Monet has always fascinated me with his brilliant, blended colors of vivid and yet distant scenes. My favorite artwork of his will always be that one depicting lilypads and a serene pond. The Pink little blossoms contrasting the sea green just always stood out to me. Yet another creative mind I look up to.

  • Henri Matisse Quote Generator

    One thing I have always respected about Henri Matisse is the amount of work ethic and drive he seemed to have behind his painting and works. I love how he frankly tells people that hard work and practice are the main tools that one must use to improve their craft. "Inspiration", as he said, "Comes when you work."

  • Van Gogh Quote Generator

    Confession: Van Gogh is my favorite artist. Yeah, maybe it's not such of a hot take, considering the enormous popularity of his painting "Starry Night" (and rightfully so! It's gorgeous). But Van Gogh quotes have always stuck out in my head because there was no denying he was a very sad man.

  • Character M*A*S*H

    Hey all! I just wanted to share real quick a little game me and my writing friends would play at sleep overs and hang outs where you create a character based on your current circumstance. It's a fun time waster and produces some fun results. Enjoy! Inspired by the original game of mash, now you can make a completely randomized character based on these questions. Have fun! 1. What was the gender of the last person you talked to? A) Female (Male character) B) Male (Female character) 2. What meal did you just have? A) Breakfast (black hair) B) Snack (blonde or dirty-blonde hair) C) Lunch (red or orange hair) D) Snack (black hair) E) Dinner (brown hair) F) Dessert (any NOT NATURAL color hair) G) Midnight snack (dark brown hair) 3. What place did you just go to? A) School (red or blue eyes irises) B) Religious Building (blue, brown, or orange eyes irises) C) Park (green eyes irises) D) Beach (eyes irises of any NATURAL color) E) Concert (dark eyes irises of any color) F) Mall (any color eyes irises) G) Department store (deep blue eyes irises) 4. What sport have you watched most recently? A) American football (British or mostly British) B) Baseball (Asian or mostly Asian [can be from any Asian country]) C) Soccer (Spanish or mostly Spanish) D) Video gaming (African or mostly African) F) Basketball (American or mostly American) E) None of the above (anything not already mentioned) 5. What animal did you last see? A) Dog (4-8 yrs. old) B) Cat (8-12 yrs. old) C) Bird (12-16 yrs. old) D) Fish (16-20 yrs. old) E) Reptile (20-24 yrs. old) F) Amphibian (24-28 yrs. old) G) None of the above (28+ yrs. old) 6. What color shirt are you wearing? A) Red (average person) B) Orange (fantasy or sci-fi warrior) C) Yellow (misunderstood outcast) D) Green (medieval royalty) E) Blue (time-traveler) F) Indigo (elemental warrior) G) Violet (DNA experiment gone wrong, animal/human hybrid) H) Pink (popular celebrity) I) Black, white, gray or brown (Spy) J) Other (anything not already mentioned) 7. What letter does your name, or the name of a friend, start with? A) A (Character’s first name starts with Z) B) B (Character’s first name starts with Y) C) C (Character’s first name starts with X) D) D (Character’s first name starts with W) E) E (Character’s first name starts with V) F) F (Character’s first name starts with U) G) G (Character’s first name starts with T) H) H (Character’s first name starts with S) I) I (Character’s first name starts with R) J) J (Character’s first name starts with Q) K) K (Character’s first name starts with P) L) L (Character’s first name starts with O) M) M (Character’s first name starts with N) N) N (Character’s first name starts with M) O) O (Character’s first name starts with L) P) P (Character’s first name starts with K) Q) Q (Character’s first name starts with J) R) R (Character’s first name starts with I) S) S (Character’s first name starts with H) T) T (Character’s first name starts with G) U) U (Character’s first name starts with F) V) V (Character’s first name starts with E) W) W (Character’s first name starts with D) X) X (Character’s first name starts with C) Y) Y (Character’s first name starts with B) Z) Z (Character’s first name starts with A) How old is your best friend? 7) (Character's pet is a cat) 8) (Character's pet is a dog) 9) (Character's pet is a bird of some kind) 10) (Character's pet is a lizard) 11) (Character has no pet) 12) (Character's pet is something wild such as a tiger or wolf) 13 or older) (Character's pet is something totally unreal) What color are the eyes of the last person you talked to? Blue) (Character's weapon is a scyth or a spear) Brown) (Character's weapon is a sword or katana) Hazel) (Character's weapon is a bow and quiver of arrows or a gun) Green) (Your character has no weapon except themself) What color is the walls of the room you're in right now? Grey) (You character is on the run) Yellow) (Your character is or is training to be a warrior for the leader of their world) Pink) (Your character lives in the wild with animals or other made up beasts) Blue) (Your character is part of a rebellion) Red) (Your character is on a quest) Orange) (Your character is off to save a family member) White) (Your character led a normal life before the villian came and kidnapped their family but the character got away) Green) (Your character goes to a type of magic or combat training school) Purple) (Your character stumbles upon another magical realm) None, I'm outside) (Your characters poses as royalty to be a decoy) What kind of flooring does the room you're in have? Carpet) (Your character has a girlfriend/boyfriend) Wood/Tile) (Your character is single) It's grass, I'm outside) (Your character is part of a love triangle) (and how are you taking this then?) What kind of chair are you sitting on? Wooden) (Your character has a human girlfriend/boyfriend/crush) Coach/Sofa/stuffed chair) (Your character has a hybrid as a girlfriend/boyfriend/crush) None, I'm sitting in the floor) (Your character has a werewolf or a vampire for a girlfriend/boyfriend/crush) Desk Chair) (Your character has a elvin/dwarven/pixie girlfriend/boyfriend/crush) None, I'm standing) (Your character has a assassin/spy girlfriend/boyfriend/crush) Other) (Your character has a human girlfriend/boyfriend/crush)

  • List of Character Development Questions

    Describe... 1: their voice 2: their smile 3: their greatest achievement 4: their insecurities 5: their shortcomings 6: how they deal with grief 7: how they like to dress 8: what they like to eat 9: their theme 10: their fashion sense 11: their family life 12: their romantic life 13: their embarrassing memory from years ago 14: how they react to burning their tongue on food 15: how they react to a brainfreeze 16: their dreams 17: their ambitions 18: how they sleep 19: their reaction to betrayal 20: their reaction to a mystery love letter 21: how they react to pain 22: what they're like on two hours of sleep 23: how they act when they're sick 24: what motivates them 25: why you enjoy them Try write about a paragraph on each item to further understand your character.

  • Time Machine Generator

    Can't you imagine it? Whirring through space in time- discovering things lost the ages. Witnessing incredible historic events! Meeting brilliant minds long since gone! But in order to get there, you of course need a time machine. So what are you waiting for? Generate one and let's go!

  • Struggles of a Project Bouncer

    I, my dear friends, am a project bouncer. All too often I’m struck with a lightning bolt of creativity that fuels me roughly for a week only to dissipate as quickly as It came. And so I’m left with a story concept that is pushed to the back shelf that is already crowded with other dead ideas and concepts that I l tell myself I’ll get to later. And of course, later never comes. I think the most frustrating bit about this aspect of personality is that fact that I always feel like I’m overflowing with ideas and yet I don’t actually get anything done. After the end of a creative jolt I’m left with nothing but a vague character description and plot outline and a blank word document. It’s like I’m encountering writers block before I’ve even started. I can’t focus on one idea long enough and everything feels like it’ll result in a dead end. But, as I’ve come to figure out, my problem isn’t necessarily the time that I have with an idea that’s giving me issues. It’s the way I use it. You see, if you’re anything like me, your creative eureka! Moments happen often frequently but they are fleeting. Generally what I do with this time is... well nothing. And that, my dear friends, is my problem. I squander my creative bursts on... daydreaming? Nothing productive anyway. So here’s how I combatted this issue. The solution was really simple actually. Every inspiring idea and concept that comes to my head revolving around this topic, I write down. Everything. All the random bits of dialogue, all the random character details, the scenes... all of it. And needed to put to use my creative energy right away. I needed to stop “letting it simmer” because that leads to me burning out. I learned that I needed to take advantage of this flash of inspiration and actually WRITE. There’s no room for perfection. I just need to DO it cause pretty soon I’m going to loose steam and that’ll be the end of it. And, so, by the end of a weeks time (and my creative high), I should have the hardest part of the story out of the way; the beginning. And if I can get that down, I can run with it and see where the story takes me. “The beginning is perhaps more difficult than anything else, but keep heart, it will turn out all right.” ~Vincent Van Gogh

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